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Wednesday, December 5, 2012


The action in fire mask is awesome. The reason its awesome is because of cliff understanding and how he gets in trouble. So far a guy that was about dead was acosed of burning down a resort. Cliff has been shoot at by a guy in a white coat and a hat that Cliff thought he could see frow and disappers in a insent. In the first part and maybe the most aporting part is about how Cliff seen the resort burn down.


the theme of the story is unclear for now but so far I think I may have a good understanding the theme of fire mask is that you should aways fellow you gutt instected unless its Dels because last time Cliff listions to Del gut the ended up on a freight train to pittsburg. There shold be another one but I not fine it yet so when I do ile tell you guys

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Cliff is the star of this book he hasnt changed much but I can tell he will in a little bit. The reason is that what have happen he been shoot at and been threating and has a girlfriend when ever you get a girlfriend you change.
Candy is Cliffs girlfriend she started as a shy girl who seem to like adventure and a little rebales. She started to changed when she started to hang out with Cliff and his friend.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

                                FIREMASK THE PLACE

The place is rushmore its a old town with centry old house that house are right next to a train crossing. The train is so loud you can hear the train anywhere in rushmore. The time place is a little hard to decide but I would proable say the 20 centery because the have old cars and where the kids hang out. They usally hangout in a burger place where they drink milk shakes. Rushmore is a quite town nothing really excation happens there and its not that loud besides the train.


Friday, November 9, 2012

reviews I found on fire mask
this two websites I found that talk about firemask had the most information I could find on the book the mostly just give the description of them but it the most I could fine

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fire Mask

contentedly: adjective  feeling or expressing happiness or satisfaction
website I found it on:
page found on: 1
gruffly: rough or surly in manner or speech; brusquely rude
website I found it on:
page found on: 5
abbott: meaning father, is a title given to the head of a monastery in various traditions, including Christianity. This article is intended to present facts related to the role and history associated with abbots in Christianity. The office may also be given as an honorary title to a clergyman who is not actually the head of a monastery. The female equivalent is abbess.
website I found it on:
page found on: 7

quote: flames that had faces, a fire that had a voice. page 23